
What To Do If You Meet With An Accident On The Motorway?

What To Do If You Meet With An Accident On The Motorway?

If you have been injured in an accident on the motorway, your priority should be to recover from your injuries. Such an accident can take a huge toll on a person, so it is important that you get your rest and follow the advice of doctors, so that you can return your everyday life as soon as possible. If, however, you find yourself at a financial disadvantage because of the accident, or you want justice, then you might consider making a personal injury claim.

You are legally entitled to financial compensation, if the accident which caused your injuries was somebody else’s fault. You are also legally entitled to compensation, if you were only partially responsible for the accident. In both circumstances, it is crucial that you seek out the best accident legal advice possible, so that you can establish where you stand once and for all. This will ensure that you can make the most informed decision going forwards.

Time limitations

You have three years to bring your motorway accident claim forward, from either the date your accident happened, or the date your injuries first became clear (which is soonest). This is because under the Limitation Act 1980, personal injury claims become statute-barred or time-barred after three years. The date your accident happened or the date your injuries were first diagnosed is known as your date of limitation or your date of knowledge.

Where should I start with making a claim?

To start claim, you should seek free, no obligation legal advice, preferably from a solicitor who specialises in motorway accidents and injuries, or from a claims advisor who is experienced in your type of injuries. You can speak with a claims advisor by calling a claims helpline that is operated by a law firm. A claims advisor will listen to your story and provide you with an estimated payout for your injuries, and an estimated timeframe for completion. And, since the helpline is operated by a law firm, you will be able to escalate your call to solicitor, should you wish to discuss your case in greater detail and get relevant legal advice.

What if the other driver was uninsured or untraced?

If this is the case, you will not be able to make a claim with their insurer. However, you can still make a claim. Your claim under the circumstances with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). The MIB pays compensation to people who have been injured in road traffic accidents by uninsured or untraced drivers. To find out if you can make a claim with them, you should discuss your case with a specialist personal injury lawyer.


Abigail Eames

I'm Abigail Eames, a passionate writer covering a wide range of topics including business, money, technology, entertainment, shopping, sports, lifestyle, and travel. With a keen interest in how these areas intersect with everyday life, Abigail delivers insightful and engaging content that keeps readers informed and entertained.

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