
Time is Money

There’s nothing more frustrating than coming down with a minor ailment then having to wait days on end to see the doctor. We’re all leading increasingly busy lives, and it’s just not always practical to drop everything and go to the doctor at a time which suits them, but might be anything but convenient for you. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an alternative?

Drop-In Clinics

City centre drop in clinics are offered by both the NHS and by private clinic companies, and can be far more convenient than going to your own GP. They are generally open longer hours than regular GP practices meaning you can go before or after work, but the downside is that patients in most NHS centres are seen on a first come, first served basis and at peak times waits can be lengthy.

Routine Appointments

Losing time from work to pick up repeat prescriptions or chat about an existing medical condition can be even more frustrating than taking time off when you’re ill, and one of the easiest ways of dealing with this can be to make an appointment with a private doctor. This is quite a new concept in the UK, but the size of the UK health care market is £4 billion annually, with the demand for private GP services increasingly rapidly. The “pay as you go” nature of medicine in this manner appeals to many people who would not ordinarily pay a monthly private medical insurance bill, but who are happy to go private to avoid NHS delays.