It doesn’t seem so long ago that Apple released the iPhone 4 to what has now become the custom furore. Indeed, many iPhone 4 models have now been around for a long time and are still being sold, even despite the emergence of the 4S and the iPhone 5. They are still worth a packet too which underlines the value of these devices. Replacing an ageing iPhone 4 case may be high on many user’s list of priorities particularly since the old case may be getting worn and dirty and may be a little bit of an iSore rather than an iPhone. There are many companies that now offer a range of mobile phone cases that can help to protect the phone in the event of it being dropped or even crushed in a pocket. Many people have tripped and landed on their phone, compacting part of the screen rendering it useless. For as little as £10, mobile users would be wise to invest in a stylish case that can not only protect the phone from damage, but also from being stolen.
Having the logo covered up is a matter of personal taste, which many people baulk at because Apple is the a designer label of mobile phones. When considering the price to pay if it is stolen, this advertisement might not be worth it. A high quality leather case typically covers the Apple logo while leaving space for the camera. The best stores will also offer leather Apple iPad 2 covers to match.