
Getting the Most from Your Translation Service

The demand for language services has risen in recent months and years, and this is only likely to increase in the future, as new markets emerge and firms that once worked only domestically find themselves in an increasingly global marketplace.

If you’ve picked the right business translation provider, then everything should go smoothly. However, there are still a few things you can do to make life as easy as possible for your translator.

Firstly, ensure your copy is “translation-friendly” before your submit it to be translated into a another language. After all, your text needs to make sense in the source language before it can even hope to be comprehensible in the target one!

A well-written, carefully checked and final version of your text can spare everyone a lot of hassle all round.

Equally, if you have very specific formatting needs, make these known at the time you ask for a quote. And if anything changes while the project is ongoing, let your agency know as soon as you can. The same applies if you have specific requirements in terms of tone and style of your text.

And make yourself available to answer any queries your supplier may have, while being specific and realistic in terms of your deadline.

Finally, schedule time for regular reviews and ask your colleagues and translation provider, if either of you can take out any unnecessary steps or obsolete practices.