
Practical EMDR Training – Help Patients Suffering From Psychological Trauma Including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) training courses are one of the most innovative steps in the treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and psychological trauma in years. Quality EMDR courses are accredited and endorsed by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence and will consist of a mixture of theoretical, practical and visual learning throughout the course.

EMDR courses are typically held in small intimate groups to allow trainees to draw upon their own memories and experiences in confidence. Most EMDR training courses will cover a variety of different areas including basic theory and practice. The theory part of the course will involve learning the background and history behind EMDR and how it was developed. Trainees will learn how to recognise EMDR symptoms in their patients and locate root memories that clients may have buried. After learning how to spot EMDR symptoms training courses will teach you how to work with your clients to develop strategies and coping mechanisms for their individual case and form of EMDR. EMDR training courses aim to equip trainees with information and practical experience as well as the confidence in their new skill set to correctly diagnose and help clients suffering from PTSD and psychological trauma. EMDR is a relatively new form of psychological trauma treatment but is one of the most exciting in the field in terms of results and client satisfaction.

EMDR courses are available to mental health professionals already qualified and accredited in their specific mental health field. Typically mental health professionals from the fields of psychiatry, psychology, mental health and social work would be eligible for EMDR training.