
The Truth about Obese Pets

We’ve all seen the occasional cat or dog that’s so large it has to drag his oversized belly around. However, other dogs and cats that don’t seem so big may also be classified as overweight. Indeed, the truth is that even a small amount of extra weight can be dangerous for a pet.

Why Animal Obesity is Dangerous
As with humans, the risks of a cat or dog being overweight are numerous. Although diabetes is perhaps the most well known condition that is associated with animal obesity, it is far from the only one. Indeed, a cat or dog is far more likely to suffer with heart problems, joint issues, a higher risk of death during surgery, decreased liver function, and even heat intolerance if they are obese.

What Causes Animal Obesity?
There are a number of reasons why pets become obese. First of all, many cat and dog owners simply aren’t as active as they should be i.e. they don’t take their dogs for walks or play with their cats as often as they should. Another reason is that too many owners feed their animals cheap food which is not nutritious enough. Indeed, cats and dogs that are consistently given poor quality food will overeat to try to obtain the nutrients they’re missing. The final reason why domestic animals become obese is that they are given too many treats and table scraps. Whilst the giving of treats may seem harmless enough, it can actually be very harmful.