
Storing Outdoor Furniture Over the Winter

As autumn turns into winter, you could be forgiven for thinking outdoor furniture was not a priority. But, if you want to enjoy al fresco living to the full next summer, there are two key points to consider.

The first is that, by shopping now, online, you should find a better selection of patio and garden items, and at better prices, than if you leave it until the spring.

Secondly, for those items which you know you’ll want to re-use once the weather warms up next year, good storage over the winter will keep it in top nick.

If you have chairs, tables and sun-loungers and the like made of wood and iron, which can feel the effects of the weather more than, say, plastic or aluminium,
it’s especially important to get them off the patio or out of the garden and into storage, sooner rather than later.

As long as you are braced for having to brush off dirt and insects when you take them off, garden furniture covers are one option, and, that way, you won’t have to find indoor space for them. Clearly, you have to ensure the covers are waterproof, fit well and are properly secured.

If you’re storing outside, find a sheltered area of your garden, if possible, and a stable, flat surface.

Ideally, clean and thoroughly dry your furniture before putting away for the winter, and treat it according to maker’s instructions – but some oils or products could encourage mildew.

• Learn more about caring for garden and home furniture online.