
Work From Home With Bespoke Garden Offices

Thanks to the widespread growth of the internet, many people are now finding it possible to work from home. Long distance communications technology, such as Skype, is allowing people to attend meetings or discuss projects with their managers from the comfort of their house. This has lead to the rise of ‘telecommuters’, individuals with a nomadic working lifestyle, sending off reports on the train or an email in a coffee shop. However, a telecommuter could still benefit from the installation of bespoke garden offices that provide a productive working environment.

Different Types Of Office

Every home worker will require a unique office. A graphic designer, for example, may need a large amount of storage space for their materials, while an architect could make use of extensive work surfaces for plans and blueprints. When it comes to garden office buildings there are a variety of options, from work pods that provide compact working environments, to studios and dual pitch offices with two-storey accommodation.

Home Office Advantages

The installation of an office at home could cut down commuting costs and it can be exempt from planning permission. A large studio takes roughly seven days to install, whereas work pods take four, so your new work environment will not intrude on your home life for very long while it is being constructed.

As the price of a city office rises, many companies encourage employees to work from home, so establish a productive working environment with an office in your garden.